Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Standards Manual Inspiration
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Communications System Update

So the idea that I came up with for my company's communications system is a information package which will be sent out to companies and individuals who would like to partner with us. What I essentially want to do with this is package everything in this mailer into a test tube/capsule which would include a business card of sorts as well as a formal letter with information about the company. I've also been working on some patterns that I could integrate with the labels and business cards, but the one's I've come up with seem a little to static and predictable.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Final Logo Designs (Kind of)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
2 Refined Logos

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tropicana Takes a Step Back
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Logo Rough Sketches
Design Brief
The world we live in is an incredibly complex and fascinating place. Filled with an amazing variety of life-forms, majestic landscapes, and home to the numerous facets of science such as biology, chemistry and physics, it should be a goal for all to discover and learn about the forces and principles encased within our planet. The Science Discovery Initiative strives to spread this belief by bringing professional scientists into the classroom to work with students in hands-on activities to help spark interest in the science field.
The Science Discovery Initiative works with a number of industry leaders and businesses in the science fields, teaming together to apply their expertise to a variety of different workshops aimed at children and teenagers. These workshops, ranging from biology to chemistry to physics, are designed to mix real-world science with activities that children will enjoy to encourage an increased interest in the vast array of science fields. These workshops are brought into schools as an in-school and after-school activities to make them the most accessible to the students in which they are aimed at.
The Science Discovery Initiative attempts to spark an interest in the sciences early on, the audience that this organization targets consists mainly of elementary and middle school students. The companies targeted for involvement within the program are professional science industry leaders that want to help the younger generation of American students become interested in science.
Alongside working with science based companies and foundations to run school based workshops and activities, The Science Discovery Initiative also works with these companies to raise money and donations to purchase new and current science equipment. This equipment is then given out to schools that wouldn’t be able to afford it, helping the science programs in these schools remain up-to-date.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Company Logo Design: Research & Ideas
With the economy currently in shambles, a large amount of money is going to be put into revamping (or at least aiding) our education system. Somewhere in the ballpark of 150 billion of dollars will be spent in an attempt to improve our current education system, and we surely need it. With our education rankings plummeting in comparison to other modernized and industrialized countries due to lower graduation rates and test scores, as well as falling levels in reading, writing and math, it's pretty obvious that something needs to be done. Articles in USA Today and The New York Times outline a number of these problems.
After looking into the issues a bit more here are some ideas I've come up with:
1) Book handouts/In-school book clubs:
One of the problems with the education system is the fact that a large number of our children don't really know how to read or right. This organization would most likely be directed at younger children (probably elementary school to middle school) and give books to schools that can't afford textbooks as well as possibly giving books to students at in-school/after-school book clubs in order to give children greater access to books and encourage reading at an earlier age.
2) Promoting Science and Mathematics:
Another area where the US is sadly lacking is science and mathematics education. I'm not all too sure how to do this, but I was thinking that possibly setting up workshops dealing with the two topics as a school/after-school program to help spark interest in those fields at an early age would be one direction to go.
These are just a couple of directions I thought of with more to come. Any suggestions are more than welcome.